Today we decided to visit Stonehenge. It is about 2 hours from Plymouth. On the way we stopped at Route 5 American Bar & Grill. I am finding humor in the Brits attempts to replicate American dishes. The kids and I ordered pancakes. I am not sure how they were prepared, but part of them were rock hard and the part that wasn't required a knife to cut.
Stonehenge was awesome. Make sure that if you visit, you include the audio tour. The audio is informative, but not too verbose, it even kept Lil Ron's attention.
From the entrance, you have the choice to visit the exhibit hall or head to the main attraction. The kids were excited to see Stonehenge, so we headed there first. You can either take the bus or walk through the countryside up to it. Since we weren't sure how much walking we would do once we got to the stones we opted for the bus ride. There are markers in the ground which indicate which option to select on the audio tour. Once the basic audio is done at each marker there are options for additional information if you so desire. I liked that if a particular topic wasn't of high interest to you, you didn't have to listen to it in order to get the information you desired.
I had no idea how big the stones really were until I was there. The man power it took to move them 100's of miles to the site, shape them, and place them is difficult to imagine especially without modern equipment. And then to rearrange them at the site, it is unbelievable. Yes, they believe that the stones were placed one way and then rearranged several times over the years. The mystery behind the purpose of the stones is intriguing. I enjoyed hearing the differing ideas. The kids even came up with their own theories, which was great. The only thing that was disappointing is that you can't walk close to the stones. That is 2 fold, one for your safety as some of the stones are unstable due to erosion and two to prevent damage to any artifacts that might be in the ground around the stones.
Looking toward the east |
Looking toward the west |
The exhibit hall was great too.
The kids in front of a virtual Stonehenge that cycled through the seasons. |
They had artifacts that have been found around the area and models of the different arrangements that they believe the stones have been in based on their discoveries around the site. It was a great day and well worth the drive. I even drove us home....without incident.